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    Tots and Tubes: The No Fear Approach to Tube Feeding ecourse

    Pediatric Focus



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    Appropriate Disciplines

    • Certified Occupational Therapy Asst
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Speech Language Pathologist

Course Description

This interactive course will take the fear out of helping pediatric patients with severe dysphagia who require tube feeding. Participants will leave this course with a strong foundation, and a better understanding, of the many patient and family considerations involved with tube feeding little ones. The instructor will use lecture, videos, pictures and case studies leaving participants with a new feeling of confidence. This course will provide information to support patients and families who may feel overwhelmed facing or living with a feeding tube such as SLPs, OTs, Dysphagia Specialists and Nurses. Family members are also welcomed to attend. Course material will cover relevant issues from infancy through childhood. Discussion will include topics such as history, tube basics, feeding methods, tips and techniques, common complications, equipment care, medical considerations, the heart and mind connection during mealtimes, the role of water, the gut and brain connection, diets, traveling with a tube, the school environment, the role of the dysphagia therapist and treatment considerations. The psychology of tube feeding, impact on the family and mealtime dynamics will also be discussed. Participants will leave with a new confidence in helping patients, families and team members through the world of tube feeding.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the various feeding methods utilized with tubes
  • Recall tube and site care, equipment cares and medical complications that can arise or that may be related to tube feeds
  • List ways to decrease tube feeds while increasing oral feeds
  • Define the role of the gut in relationship to successful oral feeding/comfort
  • Identify signs and symptoms of discomfort/distress during feed by an infant/child
  • Outline an “optimal team” for when a child is tube fed
  • Identify the impact of oral development, social development, and nurturing a child with a tube, with a list of strategies to consider
  • List factors regarding traveling with tubes

Jodie Dacy


Jodie graduated from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL with a Master of Science degree in Communication Disorders. She has been a practicing speech language pathologist since 1995 with extensive experience in the private sector, school settings and clinical experience in hospital settings which include long term care and outpatient rehab. Jodie became a VitalStim® Provider in 2005. Since then she has utilized this modality in the treatment of dysphagia with both her pediatric and adult patients. Jodie is also a licensed NOMAS® practitioner and certified in NDC (NMES for Dysphagia), MDTP (McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program) and Myofascial Release. She has presented locally and nationally on various topics such as Best Practices, The Benefits of Oral Motor/Feeding Therapy on Articulation/Speech Clarity amongst others. Currently, Jodie serves the Speech Language Pathology profession as a therapist at Val Verde Regional Hospital in TX and as a certified instructor of the VitalStim® Therapy and DINES Specialty Certificate Program for CIAO Seminars.

Financial Disclosure: Jodie receives honoraria from CIAO Seminars for the presentation of this course. She also receives royalties for the purchase of her recorded course(s)
Non-Financial Disclosure: Jodie uses VitalStim Therapy in her practice.

95 Minutes
History, tube basics. feed methods, tips and techniques, The Nissen, equipment care
95 Minutes
Heart and mind connection, water, the gut and health of the gut, first foods versus infant formulas, special diets
111 Minutes
Treatment considerations, family education, mealtime relationships, mouth/gut connection, medical history, safety, limitations, hunger
97 Minutes
Treatment across settings, home environment, restaurants, school and travel considerations, educational handouts
6.6 Hours

Delivery VIA:

  • Online - This course is offered in an online, on demand format.

Contact hours pre-approved for:

  • 6.5 Hours
  • CIAO is an ASHA Approved Provider #AAWA (0.65 ASHA CEUs) bubble sheet submission required)
  • This course meets PDU requirements for NBCOT (6.5 PDUs)
  • CIAO is an Approved Provider for the Florida Board of Occupational Therapy
  • Approved for:
  • 7.5 Hrs. OT/COTAs in FL (CE Broker #20-797310)

Course meets requirements for:

  • OT/COTAs in AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, GA, HI, ID, IA, IN, KS, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT,
  • OT/COTAs in NE, NV, NH, NJ,, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, WY

  • Introductory Level
    0.65 ASHA CEUs

    CIAO Automatically reports to CE Broker for Florida Occupational and Physical Therapists and Assistants. Florida SLPs can either use the ASHA CE Participant Form (Bubble Sheet) or self-submit through CE Broker.

    CIAO is recognized on the NBCOT Provider Registry (meets PDU requirements for NBCOT)


    Good seminar, that gave me more information to use in therapy with my G-tube kids. Glad I took the course!

    - Wellington, FL / May 2022

    Thank you

    - Longmont, CO / Apr 2022

    Great presentation. I really appreciate the focus on peds. Peds dysphagia presentations or based on feeding is really hard to find. Thank you

    - MAPLE GROVE, MN / Aug 2021

    Would be nice to have the different types of tubes to show.

    - Ft. Worth, TX / Jan 2021

    In depth course with specific information on material that is not readily taught in most seminars. THANK YOU!

    - St. Augustine, FL / Jan 2021