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    Dysphagia Litigation ecourse

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    Appropriate Disciplines

    • Certified Occupational Therapy Asst
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Speech Language Pathologist
    • Speech Language Pathology Asst

Course Description

Dysphagia is increasingly becoming a focal point in medical malpractice cases.

This rise in litigation is driven by advancements in research, diagnosis, and treatment. To protect both patients and providers, CMS has implemented specific regulations regarding the care and documentation required for services reimbursed by Medicare. ASHA's code of ethics and scope of practice further set the bar for clinician competence in dysphagia management.

Despite dysphagia making up about 60% of a speech pathologist's caseload, many SLPs report having minimal academic training in this critical area, with some completing less than a semester of coursework or lacking hands-on experience in their graduate clinicals. This course will delve into the key issues of dysphagia litigation, provide strategies for supervision and clinician proficiency, and emphasize standard practices of care. We'll also cover red flags in documentation and work through real-world scenarios to sharpen your problem-solving skills.

Course Requirements:
  • Computer with internet and working speakers/sound are required for this course.
  • Course must be completed within 30 days of activation (activate course within 6 months of purchase).
  • An online multiple-choice quiz (80% passing score) and submission of an online evaluation form are required for successful completion.
  • A certificate of completion will be available to print immediately after course is successfully completed.
  • SLPs - ASHA CEUs may be obtained by completing the online ASHA form and checking the "Report to ASHA" box.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the issues and factors behind increased dysphagia litigation
  • Differentiate skilled and unskilled documentation
  • Demonstrate use of standard practice of care through documentation

Denise Dougherty


Denise Dougherty, MA, CCC-SLP
Denise owns and operates a private practice in Indiana, PA, where she conducts therapy with both children and adults. She is a legal consultant/expert witness in wrongful death/negligence lawsuits involving dysphagia. Denise is a co-editor of Private Practice Essentials: A Practical Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists, published by ASHA Press. She has presented workshops and written numerous articles appearing in the ASHA Leader on the topic of private practice. Denise served as a consultant for The Arijah Children’s Foundation in Anguilla, BWI, providing evaluations and therapy programs for special needs children. Ms. Dougherty was an adjunct faculty member at York College of Pennsylvania and Wesley College in Dover, Delaware. She is a past President of the American Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology (AAPPSPA), and received the Academy’s 2007 Honor Award and 2014 Award of Excellence for her achievements. Ms. Dougherty is a member of the Technical Experts Panel for Quality of Insights of Pennsylvania, working on initiating quality measures for CMS to improve effectiveness, efficiency, economy and quality of services delivered to Medicare beneficiaries. She received her bachelor’s degree in communication disorders from Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania; a master’s degree in communication disorders from St. Louis University. Ms. Dougherty is certified in VitalStim® therapy and is a VitalStim® instructor, has completed additional training in orofacial myology, is a member of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association and has received numerous ASHA ACE Awards. For more information, please visit www.dldspeechpath.com.

Financial Disclosure Denise receives honoraria from CIAO for the presentation of her live courses and royalties for the sale of her online courses. Denise is in private practice and receives legal consultant/expert witness fees
Non-Financial Disclosure: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.

30 Minutes
Litigation - Issues and factors
30 Minutes
CMS and ASHA expectations
45 Minutes
Dysphagia Competency – evaluation and treatment
30 Minutes
Red flags!
35 Minutes
Scenarios, problem solving and troubleshooting
10 Minutes
Q and A
3.0 Hours

Delivery VIA:

  • Online - This course is offered in an online, on demand format.
  • Club CIAO - Club CIAO: This course is also part of Club CIAO, our all-you-can-eat buffet of online courses for one low price. Club CIAO Members also receive 25% off of all Live Stream courses!

Contact hours pre-approved for:

  • 3 Hours
  • CIAO is an ASHA Approved Provider #AAWA (0.3 ASHA CEUs) bubble sheet submission required
  • ASHA CE Provider Approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.
  • This course meets PDU requirements for NBCOT (3 PDUs)
  • CIAO is an Approved Provider for the Florida Board of Occupational Therapy
  • Approved for:
  • 3.5 Hrs. OT/COTAs in FL (CE Broker #20-1246450),
  • 3 Hrs. Registered with CEBroker for OT/COTAs in AL, AZ, GA, LA, MS, SC, TN

Course meets requirements for:

  • OT/COTAs in AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, LA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT,
  • OT/COTAs in NE, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY

  • Introductory Level
    0.3 ASHA CEUs

    CIAO Automatically reports to CE Broker for Florida Occupational and Physical Therapists and Assistants. Florida SLPs can either use the ASHA CE Participant Form (Bubble Sheet) or self-submit through CE Broker.

    CIAO is recognized on the NBCOT Provider Registry (meets PDU requirements for NBCOT)


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