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    Positive Approach to Care for People Living with Dementia

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    Appropriate Disciplines

    • Physical Therapist
    • Certified Occupational Therapy Asst
    • Nurse
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Physical Therapy Asst
    • Speech Language Pathologist

Course Description

This workshop helps us understand and recognize the differences in "Normal" and NOT "Normal" aging. Demonstrate, participate and develop new skills related to Approach, Cueing, and Ability to connect with people living in a relationship with dementia. Typical issues that occur from early stage, mid-stage, and end-stage dementia will be identified, problem solving scenarios and discussions. Learners will develop better observational skills to be able to recognize and intervene effectively when behavioral challenges occur. This workshop emphasizes the value of matching helping behaviors to a person's needs and their retained abilities. By creating a positive, caring environment and decreasing combative situations we learn to share information and pay attention to what people living with dementia are able to still do.

The following topics will be discussed and practiced in this workshop:
  • The 5 Sensory Input and Processing Systems
  • Normal and NOT Normal Aging
  • Teepa Snow Role Play
  • The Dominant Role of Vision
  • The Major Differences between Protective and Discriminating Sensation in each, the Impact of Changing Sensory Awareness and Processing as Dementia Progresses
  • Develop Skills related to Approach, Cueing, and Ability to Connect
  • The Value of Matching Behaviors to a person's Needs and Retained Abilities
  • Observational and Recognizable Skills to Intervene when Challenging Behaviors occur
  • Applying Positive Physical Approach™ (PPA) and Hand under Hand™ (HuH) in everyday situations
  • The Importance of Doing "WITH" and NOT Doing "TO" a person living with Dementia
  • Observational Skills to Recognize and Address "unmet" Emotional and "unmet" Physical Needs
  • Helping People Living with Dementia feel Productive and Valued
  • Understanding Normal Aging and Stages of Dementia by Correlating Teepa's GEMS©
  • Facilitating Positive, Supportive Communication between Care Giver's and People Living with Dementia
  • Applying Multi-Model helping techniques by emphasizing the use of Preserved Abilities
  • Dealing with Challenging Behaviors and Creating a Positive Caring Environment

PAC Certified Trainers are not employees of Positive Approach, LLC. The opinions and views expressed by PAC Certified Trainers do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Positive Approach, LLC or any of it's employee's. Positive Approach, LLC is not liable for any actions PAC Certified Trainers.
Educational Content provided by Postive Physical Approach is used with permision and based on the GEMS and the techniques, strategies and overall approach to care created and developed by Positive Approach LLC. www.teepasnow.com

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Compare and Contrast "Normal" Aging vs. "NOT Normal" Aging related to various cognitive functions.
  • Describe the 5 Sensory Input and Processing Systems
  • Discuss the Impact of Changing Sensory Awareness and Processing as Dementia Progresses
  • Describe changes in visual processing when Dementia is present
  • Compare and contrast unintentional and traditional social greeting and communication efforts
  • Discuss the rationale that supports each step of the Positive Physical Approach(TM) (PPA) process
  • Demonstrate PPA in simulated situations
  • Demonstrate hand-under-hand technique
  • Discuss purpose and value of using hand-under-hand technique
  • Discuss reasons for and steps in modifying PPA

Maria Antonetti


Maria is a professional education instructor facilitating workshops for Allied Health Professionals as PAC Certified Independent Trainer via Teepa Snow's philosophies and care partnering techniques for people living with dementia. Maria provides training workshops to assist in the development of care-partnering teams in a forum with no degree of separation. Family is everything to Maria, engaging everyone who is involved in a relationship with people living with dementia to share Awareness, Knowledge and Skill necessary to support their loved ones, residents and staff in a purposeful, respectful, safe and caring environment for all. Maria is currently working on several research projects including environmental, dental, pharmaceutical and cosmetic effects on brain failure, and the effectiveness of preventative approaches to dementia related symptoms. Her mission is to zero in on the generation gap and the disconnect of families as well as the destruction of families falling apart when caring for loved ones.
Maria has been a Physical Therapist Assistant for 25 years in a variety of settings including out-patient Rehab Director, Home Healthcare, and Director of Rehab/treating LPTA in skilled nursing. Born and raised in a large cultural "Family" it is Maria’s nature to nurture!

Day 1

08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:30
The 5 Sensory Input and Processing Systems
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:30
Normal/Not Normal Aging
11:30 - 12:30
Case Discussions
12:30 - 01:30
01:30 - 03:00
03:00 - 03:15
03:15 - 04:00
Teepa's GEMS
04:00 - 04:30
Case Discussions

Delivery VIA:

  • Live By Request - This course is available to come to you! Contact us to see how easy that can be. mail@ciaoseminars.com

Contact hours pre-approved for:

  • This course can be requested for your facility or group. CEUs will be applied for at that time.

Contact hours applied for:

  • This course can be requested for your facility or group. CEUs will be applied for at that time.

The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

CIAO is recognized on the NBCOT Provider Registry (meets PDU requirements for NBCOT)

CIAO Automatically reports to CE Broker for Florida Occupational and Physical Therapists and Assistants. Florida SLPs can either use the ASHA CE Participant Form (Bubble Sheet) or self-submit through CE Broker.

This should be used when showing we are an ASHA Provider but not for a specific course listing.


Interesting. Thank you!

- Roanoke, VA / Nov 2018

This was a great course I had no idea about Dementia like I do now

- Roanoke, VA / Nov 2018

Excellent speaker with very relevant techniques

- Roanoke, VA / Nov 2018

A very good demonstrator providing examples to redirect situations.

- Greensboro, NC / Sep 2018

Very good course. Thank you for your time.

- Greensboro, NC / Sep 2018

Thoroughly enjoyed course by CIAO

- Greensboro, NC / Sep 2018

Excellent presenter. Very informative.

- Greensboro, NC / Sep 2018

Labs, and examples/GEMS, excellent speaker.

- Greensboro, NC / Sep 2018

Pleasant experience, loved the presenters upbeat personality and expressions for increasing understanding to real situations.

- Virginia Beach, VA / Apr 2018

Limit number of demonstrations, although helpful, it becomes a bit redundant.

- Virginia Beach, VA / Apr 2018